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REPOSTING: New Book: Little Red Riding Hood

I am reposting this from earlier this year in case you'd like to buy this book! It's only $15! (I don't make any money off this, I'm just happy to help promote the book; proceeds go to the Anchorage Museum in Alaska)

I was so pleased to provide the illustrations for a book that was produced by the Anchorage Museum, Little Red Riding Hood: A New Translation by Julie Decker and Marek Ranis.

"The story of Little Red Riding Hood has been retold many times. It is among the most popular fairytales in the world. It is a story of good and evil, greed and hope, spring and winter, and second chances. With this Little Red Riding Hood “retelling,” positive lexicography in many languages is called upon to reimagine the tale. The narrative is with the reader. The tale is with the translator. Recognizing different varieties and nuances of positive emotion allows for a more open idea of wellbeing.”

A project of the Anchorage Museum in collaboration with Marek Ranis and in association with Tim Lomas, PhD and his The Positive Lexicography, an evolving index of 'untranslatable' words related to wellbeing from across the world's languages."


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