Around 2014, I started drawing from life as practice any time I had the chance. A few years later, I created an instagram account* in order to share these drawings, which I made available the same day they were created. I went out several times a week and drew whatever I encountered in the city, attended many many many events of all kinds. At the end of the project, I had created 8,130 total drawings done directly from life in North Carolina. Nearly 7,000 ink and marker drawings on 3.5” x 5” paper, and over 1200 ink and watercolor drawings ranging in size from 6” x 8” to 13” x 19”. I am in the process of gathering the archive of those drawings here, but it is still under construction. There are buttons below to see portions of the archives by geographical area or by month (coming soon: by year). 

I still continue live drawing when I can, but I do not share them on social media, and they just get posted in the Recluse Residency folder now. I also live draw from live cameras; I briefly had an instagram account where I shared those called Drawings from Home, but that has since been deleted and current drawings from that project go into the Recluse Residency folder as well; older drawings from that project are here. I also do larger drawings that are compilations of multiple figures and those can be found in the Recluse Residency folder.

*the first account from the Charlotte area is called The Real Charlotte Observer ; I created a second one for the Greensboro/Winston-Salem area called Wandering Witness ; neither account is still active but the posts are still there.